Welcome aboard
INCLUDIS will take your business exactly where you want to position it in the new world of Industry 4.0 - with greater efficiency and flexibility, and above all, with greater success.
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 is our goal for the intelligent connection of discrete systems, machine controls and production lines.
Have an edge with industrial IoT. Get your data through our central platform and optimize your processes.
Process Data Monitoring
Our “Process Data” app allows you to use your OPC UA machine interface to monitor process data on the current production order such as pressure, speed and temperature for long-term storage in a database. This eliminates the need for establishing complex interfaces to CAQ systems. Our API allows direct allocation of the data to the production order in your ERP system. This system provides complete documentation of the process cycle for upcoming internal audits and for presentation to your customers. In the plastics processing industry we document the process values directly via the Euromap 63 and 77 protocols.